Breathwork Course

"Body is power-filled space, breath is space-filling power" JL Schmitt

Atemkurse - Breath Work

"On the way inward, following the breath,

man finds his very own self again,

to his essence." H. Richter

breathing courses in Munich Sendling

Praxis & Studio S anast é

Fallstraße 26, 81369 Munich


You can join at any time, even without prior knowledge. Please register via the booking tool, by email to or by phone.

via 01515 / 98 60 767.

The lessons can also be booked individually.

Further information:

Please come in comfortable, warm clothing and bring warm socks. Ring the bell for therapy. The entrance to the practice studio is on the mezzanine floor on the right.


breathing lesson 16 €

Trial lesson: 12 € Please register for the trial lesson via email.

Atemkurse - Breath Work

perception of the body and our breath

We breathe quite naturally and usually without being aware of it. And yet breathing is more than just taking a breath. Our breath reacts to everything that moves us inside and out. We often only realise how important breathing is to us when there are disruptions in the flow of our breath, for example when we only breathe shallowly, often hold our breath, or feel rushed or weak in everyday life.

In the breathing course, you will go on a body journey under supervision and explore your own breathing. You can breathe in and out and physically experience how your breath accompanies your movements and connects your inner and outer world. You will experience the power of your breath and learn to use it for your needs and your personal expression.

Through simple stimulating and relaxing exercises while sitting, standing, walking or lying down, you train your body awareness and the perception of your individual breathing in its extent and rhythm. People are reflected in their respective breathing patterns. Through the exercises, you become aware of your own breathing and its patterns and your breathing can then change into new patterns.

Inner peace and serenity - drawing strength

Breathing exercises in a group can help you to let go of old patterns, become calmer, more relaxed or more energetic, and to arrive at yourself and the moment. Posture and mobility improve, creating space for more self-confidence and inner stability. Joy of life, lightness, creativity and resilience are promoted.

The exercises can be easily carried out independently in everyday life.

breathing treatment

In addition to the breathing courses, I also offer individual breathing treatments:

In the breathing treatment, I address your personal concerns. During the treatment, you lie fully clothed on a comfortable couch. I support your breathing movement through targeted grips, touch, pressure, stroking and stretching. This allows your breathing to develop better, become more lively and deeper. Restrictive breathing patterns can be released and your breathing can return to its own rhythm. By paying attention to your body sensations and your breathing, change and development processes become possible.

Topics such as "limits", "letting go", "pressure" and "tension" can be physically experienced and resolved.

The breathing treatment is supplemented by breathing and movement exercises and personal conversation.

A breathing treatment includes a preliminary consultation, the treatment on the couch, a rest period afterwards and a follow-up consultation. A treatment lasts 50-60 minutes.

To make an appointment please call 089/189 21 677 or email

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