foot reflexology treatment

foot reflexology

The whole body can be therapeutically influenced through manual treatment of the foot reflex zones. Foot reflex zone therapy has an organizing and regulating effect on body functions and organs, helps to remove blockages and thus supports the body's regenerative power. Foot reflex zone therapy is suitable for all ages.

Foot reflexology for diagnosis and therapy

The entire foot is divided into zones that are energetically connected to certain regions of the body. Changes that deviate from the norm - visual or palpable - can provide evidence of a reflex disorder. The zones are treated in a specific order. Hardening, tenderness to pressure, the condition of the skin and nails, the shape and arch of the foot and also the patient's vegetative reactions during treatment (e.g. increased sweating) provide information about the current situation. Stressed areas of the body can thus be revealed and positively influenced - even in the early stages of a manifest disorder. This form of therapy is also well suited for prophylaxis.

possible indications for foot reflexology

Digestive problems, muscular hardening, joint problems, headaches, kidney and bladder problems, respiratory diseases, allergies, sleep disorders, general malaise, lack of motivation, frequent tiredness
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