Detox Spring

Hello Spring Detox Time

Start into spring time with less ballast... more lightness, energy and vitality through detoxification.

Learn more

Individually and naturalx

I will provide you with a plan tailored to your individual needs

with recommendations for your detoxification plan

  • Individual Paracelsus signature
  • Kinesiological testing to determine the current level of strength and the ideal treatment
  • Detoxification through homeopathic complex remedies
  • Support through phytotherapy (algae, herbs, teas)
  • Manual application recommendations to support removal of toxins from the connective tissue and muscles

Paracelsus signature determination

Kinesiological Testing

Status Quo & individual detox remedies

Manual applications

to support detoxification

Friendly service

Our body has the wonderful ability to cleanse itself. If it comes into contact with harmful substances, the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system filter the harmful substances out of the body.

Detox treatments support the various organs in carrying out their functions.

Many toxins are transported to the filtering and excretory organs (liver, gall bladder, intestines, kidneys, urinary tract) via the lymphatic system and bloodstream and are excreted via stool and urine. Toxic substances are also excreted through the skin and lungs when we sweat and breathe out.

The pollutants and contamination in the environment to which we are exposed on a daily basis have increased disproportionately. Be it exhaust fumes in the air, heavy metals and plant toxins in food or drug contamination in drinking water. This can push many a physical detoxification system to its limits.

If the body is no longer able to break down all harmful substances, they are primarily deposited in the connective tissue, fatty tissue, muscles and bones. If this burden increases, the body suffers - fatigue, pain and a disturbed metabolism can be the result.

With a detox treatment, we can use the power of nature and manual application to free ourselves from the accumulated ballast. Since every person is different and every body has its strengths and weaknesses, a detox treatment should also take this individuality into account.

Why detoxify?

What do I need to do to start the detoxification


Make an appointment


Get kinesiologically tested


Obtain remedies


Start the treatment

Contact me by phone or email for an individual offer.

Elements of the detox cure

  • Signature determination according to Paracelsus
  • Homeopathic complex remedies to strengthen the detoxification organs
  • Herbal and mineral detoxification and binding agents
  • Manual applications for detox support
  • Additionally bookable manual treatments to support excretion of toxins: breathing massage, foot reflexology massage
  • General Recommendations

Kinesiologically tested and with an individually tailored detox plan.

Please feel free to contact me

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